I think this shirt is from 2000, but i bought it from their show which i was attending in 2001, actually 2 shows ( Helsinki and next day in Oulu ) Great shows!
I started to listening Extol in 1998 when their debut album came out, been a huge fan since that.. Actually we shared the stage with Extol in 2002 with my band Callisto. Maybe i have seen them live 3 - 5 times ?
Sadly they are not active anymore.
tässähän on pointti että paidasta otetaan kuva 2 päivän käytön ja parin dödökerran jälkeen.. tosin tää paita rupeaa olemaan jo kohta 10 vuotta vanha, eli haurastuminen on alkanut, niinkuin myös allekirjoittaneessa.
VastaaPoistawow, man that shirt is fantastic.I would like to have one :-(