Hi to all!
I was hanging out with friends yesterday, eating good food and spending good time and i heard that some people read my blog ? Heh, i thought that nobody reads this, even some people in Italy.. I`m not going to let that affect to my "writings" ( i`m not saying that i dont care ) but to me this diary keeps me dated to things what i do in my free year from my daily job. I think it`s nice to read afterwards what has happened to my life in past days, weeks and months. Maintaining my sanity so to speak.
So what has happened to my last days? First of all in 9th of june i went to see Brian "head" Welch, formely the guitar player of Korn, the band i was listening back in the 90`s, as everyone knows he left Korn in 2005 or 2006 because he couldnt be in the band anymore because he became Christian and wanted to pursuit his own art and vision. Normally i don`t get it always when big rock stars change their entire life when they become born again Christians, but after reading the book of Brian, i understood it all. Sometimes man has to make some big and maybe difficult decisions in their lives when something more powerful than we speaks them to do.
Maybe something like this happened to me when i decided to take year off from daily work and dedicate to this following year to making music and the other part: following what God wanted to tell me.. ok i dont want to sound too fundamental, but i HAD to follow the voice that was speaking to me and to be honest it feels right, even though i dont know all the things what He has in store for me.. time will tell. The "head" show was nostalgic and nice experience even though i am not that big fan of that kind of music anymore, but the thing in Christian music has bothered me for years, the music always comes last, lyrics first, dont get me wrong the lyrics are important but i have always thought that music should be good and high quality then you can build lyrics to the top of good music, get the point ?
Speaking of music, besides callisto where i write music and play, i have had this new project that started out last year "Weeping Pilgrim" we have took one step further towards the actual recordings.. we have loads of songs in store, and couple of days ago we met this nice guy who is going to record a demo or Ep for us ( depending how everything sounds after the recordings ) You can check some really raw demos from our myspace page www.myspace.com/weepingpilgrim yes, it is a lot different than Callisto music, but that was my main goal anyway.
Nothing really special happening at the moment, just doing sports, making music and spending time with my wife and good friends. Oh and one thing ( really small thing ) i started to sell some second hand goods in flea market, all the money is going to my homechurch "Kotikirkko" which i have attended last 7 - 8 years.. i think it`s really good thing because Kotikirkko is really good place and we are always lacking money..
listening at the moment a band called Watain, which lyrics i really dont appreciate but the music is quite ok.. it`s really weird, i read one interview of them and one thing what was headlining the whole interview was how much they give credit to satan and dedicate their music to glorify satan.. ok this sounds weird but i tend to speak the truth and honestly as possible always, like i do know. Even though i am Christian and i play music, my band(s) have always maintained certain "Spiritual" aspects which i really like, but have always tried not to speak too loud about our beliefs ( to some bands it fits, dont get me wrong ) because it`s really irritates people, you get the point? ( all the bible bangers etc etc ) I like to write things that i pursuit in my life but this faith that i have is really personal so thats why i like let people to think and digest a while about the lyrics and then make their decisions about the band, is their music good? do i appreciate what they sing? its really hard to get into band when you are immediately being forced to hear or see some beliefs, politics, activism, satanism etc etc..
I know that example in the metal world it`s really ok to speak about mutilation of people, gore things, satan worshipping, etc etc.. and in the black metal world the lyrics are really important and it seems that the main thing is that the bands have big urge to get the opportunity to speak LOUD what they want to say about their beliefs. But when it comes to Christianity, everything is forbidden, even though many bands including Christian members dont even preach in their shows, write gospel type of lyrics, etc you get the point ? ok, i know this is really old issue, but always relevant? and i am not here to teach anyone, just throwing some ideas.. you go figure it out yourself! let me know what you think.. :)
Ok, i will go and see some movie with my neighbours and with my wife.. "it`s raining today" like Scott Walker is singing.. it fits for me, i am not that big fan of sunny weather, ok its nice, but this is ok..
ok, i will try to update this more often, but i think its useless to write something that has no point.. or not..
take care people!
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