keskiviikko 14. joulukuuta 2011

Vuosi loppumassa...


25.heinäkuuta viimeksi kirjoittanut blogia tai laittanut t-paitoja tänne esille ? todella laiska mies kun olen, no itseasiassa toukokuussa meidän kellarin remontti alkoi kaiken sisälmysten purkamisella. Tehtiin isäpapan kanssa koko homma. kesäkuussa menin myös töihin uudestaan vuoden tauon jälkeen, joten en ole ollut laiska todellakaan! :)

Uusia t-paitojakin on kertynyt melkein kymmenkunta, pitää laittaa näytille joku päivä.. niin tosiaan työt alkoi mulla ja remontti samaan aikaan. Töihin oli oikeesti aika mukava mennä, vaikka hiukan pelkäsinkin sitä, että miten hommat sujuu vuoden tauon jälkeen. No työkaverit oli yhtä mukavia kuin ennen ( aika harvinaista, vai ? ) asiakkaat oli pysyneet samoina, melkein.. oikeestaan toi remonttihomma oli semmonen mikä on meinannut ajaa mun ja vaimon arjen kaaokseen, tai no, on se ajanutkin! alkuhommat oli tosi mukavia ja oikeesti nautein tosi paljon tosta remontista ( faktahan on se, että ite oon ehkä 20% tehnyt isän ja parin kaverin kanssa noita hommia ) jos ollaan ihan rehellisiä :) mut melkein joka päivä aina jotain pitänyt hoitaa ihan tähän päivään mennessä. "sähkömies täällä, remppa-esag täällä, putkimies täällä, plaa plaa" pikku hiljaa mennyt hermot totaalisesti.. jossain vaiheessa elettiin melkein 2 kuukautta ilman suihkua! se oli mukavaa.. :)

pyykit on pesty muualla kohta viimiset 3 kuukautta jos enemmänkin.. puhumattakaan kesäkuusta lähtien joka paikassa olevasta remonttipölystä.. kämppä on ollut totaalikaaos viimiset 4 kuukautta, mitä järkeä siivota ku 2 päivän päästä kämppä on yhtä likanen, tavarat ja vaatteet on ihan pölyn peitossa, puhumattakaan siitä että tilaa ei ole missään ku laattoja, tarvikkeita, parkettia etc etc on joka paikassa! :)

mutta mitäs tämä hetki sisältää ? pesukone ja kuivausrumpu tuli 10 minsaa sitten. 2 tuntia sitten hain oven kylppärin ja huoneen välille ( sekin on väärä ovi, kiitos vaan epäystävällisen sarokas firman kuka on myöhästyttänyt koko remppaa paskapuheillaan, oon käynyt varmaan 5 -6 kertaa ihan turhaan siellä, ja infoa ei tule plaa plaa. saunan ovi tuli viikko sitten ( karmit hajalla, mut saa korjattua ) hiukan on sähköhommia vielä tekemättä ja pientä fixausta ja ovien laitot, plus SUURSIIVOUS ennen joulua, se on mukavaa! :)

Eli voitte kuvitella että hermot on ollut hivenen kireällä koko ajan.. tän kaiken paskan keskellä sitten on pitänyt töissä käydä, harrastaa bändihommia, etc etc.. ja eipä meille ole ketään edes kylään voinut kutsua viimiseen 4 -5 kuukauteen tän sotkun takia :)

mut kaiken akkamaisen valittelun jälkeen, nyt ollaan plussan puolella! :) paljon oon oppinut! avioliitto ollut todella isolla koetuksella jos ihan rehellisiä ollaan :) mutta kaikki hyvin! ens vuoden alusta voi keskittyä "normaaliin elämään" :)

oon tässä alotellut ihan mielenkiintoisen musaprojektin muuan savonlinnalaisen kanssa.. siitä myöhemmin lisää..

Callistopäivitykset? = myöhemmin..

Jumalan Lapset bändi pyrkii tekemään ensimmäisen demonsa alkuvuodesta.. sitten on kaikenmoista muuta pientä musiikkiproggista käynnissä koko ajan..

hyvää joulua ja uutta vuotta!

maanantai 25. heinäkuuta 2011

jälkiviisaan höpötyksiä..

Aloitin tän blogin joskus hiukan yli vuosi sitten ja meinasin, että kirjoitan päiväkirjaa siitä miten meinaan aikani käyttää kun olen töistä pois. No miten käytin aikaani ?

Periaatteessa tein musahommia ( Callisto, Weeping Pilgrim + muita erinäisiä projekteja ) olin kotikirkon toiminnassa mukana + tein paljon asioita mistä olen jälkeenpäin tyytyväinen ja ihmeissäni mitä en ton vuoden keskellä edes huomannut tekeväni.

Tavoite oli myös löytää ehkä jopa joku uusi työpaikka menneen vuoden aikana, en löytänyt, mutta olen enemmänkin kuin tyytyväinen kun palasin takaisin vanhaan työpaikkaani. Myönnetään, että virkavapaan loppuvaiheessa rupesin punnitsemaan "olenko saanut aikaan tarpeeksi, olenko tyytyväinen kuluttamaani aikaan, etc etc" välillä pintaan nousi fiiliksiä, että olen epäonnistunut itseeni, pettynyt toisiin ihmisiin? mennyt vuosi oli ihan turha? etc etc.. ja ehkä jollakin tapaa odotin jotain "suurta" "ihmeellistä" työtarjousta, tehtävää tms.. odotin liikaa ehkä, mutta jotenkin haaveet ja unelmat kuitenkin piti mua pinnalla, vaikka loppuvaiheessa kun huomasin ajan loppuvan rupesi tuntumaan tosi turhautuneelta.. menin jopa tekemään loppukeväästä tänä vuonna sijaisuuksia vanhaan virkapaikkaani koska tuntui, että en saa enää mitään järkevää aikaiseksi ja arki tuntuu ajan tappamiselta ja tunsin oloni tosi turhautuneeksi.

Ehkä kuitenkin tärkein asia virkavapaassani jälkeenpäin ajateltuna oli se, että sain uutta perspektiiviä elämääni. Sain tuntea vapauden tunnetta, sain toteuttaa itseäni suhteellisen paljon. Ja tajusin, että töihin takaisin meno ei olekaan hirveä asia, vaan enemmänkin hieno juttu. Ja tajusin, että mun työpaikka on oikeasti aika hyvä paikka :) Saan vapaita aika helposti keikoille, joustavat työajat, hyvät työkaverit, ja työkin on loppupeleissä aika motivoivaa, koen olevani hyödyllinen ja osaavani työni aika hyvin jopa! :) Ja nyt kun olen takaisin töissä, tuntuu, että vapaa-aika tuntuu vielä enemmän vapaa-ajalta kuin aiemmin..

Päiväkirjan pitäminen jäi hiukan vähäselle kuitenkin? No myönnetään että en ole mikään päiväkirja ihminen, en osaa kielioppia kauheen hyvin, kirjoitan muutenkin miten sattuu ja on hahmotushäiriötä ja kaikenmoista muuta, fiiliksellä vaan! Oikeestaan toi t-paitablogi oli mielenkiintoisin juttu tehdä koko tän blogijutun kanssa jos rehellisiä ollaan! :)

Itseasiassa olen kesälomalla nyt. Menin töihin kesäkuun alussa ja tajusin, että mulla on 2 viikkoa kertynyt lomaa mitkä pidin nyt heinäkussa, kerittiin käydä vaimon kanssa kreikassa ja kavereiden kanssa vanhassa kunnon Nööttöössä ( Ekholma ) Keskiviikkona alkaa työt sitten taas..

Niin, se piti mainita, että maalis/huhtikuussa pamahti saunassa viemäriputki, ja se anto sysäyksen meidän kellarin remontin aloittamiseen oikeen kunnolla ( oltiin me toi kellariprojekti alotettu jo kauan sitten ) mutta tossa vaiheessa tein päätöksen, että meinaan purkaa loppukevään aikana koko kellarin täysin tyhjäksi isäni kanssa, en ollut koskaan tehnyt tollasia juttuja, mutta nyt ollaan siinä vaiheessa, että ollaan katto, seinät, lattia, kaakelit etc purettu kokonaan pois ( kaatopaikkareissuja tuli varmaan 5 - 8 kpl ) vaikka naapurin äijä otti kaikki puutavarat mikä irtosi kellarista.. työmäärä oli yllättävän suuri! Mutta nautein joka hetkestä! sisäinen timpuri tais herätä eloon? No siinä vaiheessa ku luultiin, että mun ja isän urakka on ohi, remonttimiesten töiden aloittaminen viivästyi, no päätettiin laattojen piikkauksen ohella piikata vielä viemäröinti valmiiksi, no sitten ilmeni, että pitää piikata koko betonilaattia pois, no sekin sitten isän kans piikattiin pois ( siinä ohessa 2 kuormaa täytemaata vietiin samalla kaatopaikalle ) no sitten päästään tähän päivään. lattia on soratettu, lattialämmitys asennettu, valu on tehty, viemäröinti on lattian puolelle tehty valmiiksi. Meinasin jopa harkita, että menen raksakouluun! :) ehkä ei kuitenkaan..

Joo, ehkä lopetan tän maanisen sekopää kirjoittelun kohta tähän.. paitablogi saavuttaa sadan rajapyykin kohta! mulla on 2 - 4 uutta paitaa odottamassa kuvausta..

loppuun vielä tän hetkinen playlist

Wovenhand - The Threshing floor
The kilimanjaro darkjazz ensemble - From the stairwell
Plankton - Ocean Tales
Plainsong - In search of Amelia Earhart
Switchblade - ST ( 2009 )
Neko Case - Blacklisted
Virus - The agent that shape the desert

jeps, ja paljon muuta random kamaa.. vinyyleitä tullut ostettua viimeksi, Scott 1 ja 2, emmyloun The ballad of.. ja altenative tentaclesilta paljon kantrihämyilyä.. munlyn uusin, pari slim cessnaa, 16hp secret south..

End is nigh my friends but Christ is risen, we have hope in HIM!

lauantai 28. toukokuuta 2011

Earth ( öötti )


Earth "Angels of darkness, demons of light" ( 2011 )

Went to see Earth little while ago ( along Sabbath Assembly ) Earth live show was ok, but not that good what i expected. Bought the shirt from there.

I really love Earth "hex" and "honey" albums, though, the old ones are not that bad either.

This is the end of the shirt blog officially. Didnt reached to 100, but lets see what shirts i will buy in the future..

keskiviikko 25. toukokuuta 2011

Pentagram - The brothers in faith!


Pentagram "boys" ( 2011 )

I bought this shirt from the Helsinki where penttis played 2 - 3 weeks ago. Besides that, my friends from svart are going to release a live album from that show. Nice!

maanantai 23. toukokuuta 2011

Gösta Berlings Saga


I think i will reach #100 ?

Gösta Berlings Saga "logo" ( 2011 )

Bought this one couple of weeks ago from their show. My neighbour told me that "markus go ahead and listen this band, great Swedish prog they play tomorrow" and i went and i liked the show! Bought the shirt and the vinyl. obviously :) Great show. They remind me little of King Crimson in some heavier parts but of course they have that "Classic Swedish" sound and mood like Änglagård or Anekdoten. By the way Änglagård drummer played with them as a special guest! ( percussion, mellotron, synths, ambient stuff etc )

maanantai 9. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part IX


Callisto "Magdalena" ( 2009, 2010 )

Design by Jaakko Suomalainen.

This shirt got some mixed up feelings.. wont go to details though ;)

I like it, it has some kind of biblical feeling in it..

this is the last Callisto shirt that i got ( only missing the 10th anniversary shirt ) actually that shirt would be THE 10th Callisto shirt that has been made. Magical!! :)

I got couple of shirts left.. that`s the end of my shirt blog. Maybe i figure out something nice...

sunnuntai 8. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part VIII


Callisto "Colours subside in the pale and night" ( 2008, 2009 )

Design by A.K

This hoodie is nice! i like it.

92, i think i will not reach to the hundred? :) i need to buy more shirts..

torstai 5. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part VII


Callisto "Holy Smoke" ( 2008, 2009 )

Design by Arto Karvonen.

Came out at the same time when our third album was released. Maybe even in 2008 ?

I like this shirt a lot! Maybe the darkest one that we have done.

tiistai 3. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part VI - Light fills up space.. in a solitary place


Callisto "tropics" ( 2006 )

Came out when Noir was released.

Design by A.B

maanantai 2. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part V - The master enslaves, the master dictates the way, harvests, a dead harvest, only obedient, the Folkslave


Callisto "Folkslave" ( 2006 )

Printed when our second album came out ( Noir, 2006 )

No need for explanation? :)

The father of our guitarist made a poem ( anti-eu ) in Finnish and we translated it to English. I was supposed to scream these lyrics ( actually i did it back in 2005 when i recorded my vocals ) but then we decided that the mood of that song ( Folkslave ) would be ruined with screams and then we decided that Arto is doing the spoken words to this song. A good choice.

sunnuntai 1. toukokuuta 2011

Callisto part IV


Callisto "True Nature Unfolds ( 2004 )

The official TNU design. ( both on hoodie and t-shirt )

I like the logo on the shirt ( it`s weird that this shirt came out in 2004 with TNU text in it and the same logo was on the cover of Noir album in 2006 ) Or maybe i remember wrong that this shirt came out in 2006 ?

lauantai 30. huhtikuuta 2011

Callisto part III


Callisto "Skull" ( 2004 )

Another version of the classic skull shirt ( actually kireru records logo was only printed these hoodies, right ? )

This one goes out to kikkis!

torstai 28. huhtikuuta 2011

Callisto part II


Callisto "Skull" ( 2004 )

Maybe the most popular Callisto shirt ever ? i think we stopped printing these shirts back in 2005 or 2006 ? Again, design by A.B

This shirt came along when our second release came out ( jemima/klimenko vinyl )

And actually there is a part from the song "Storm" printed in the shirt ( The roaring floods shall come ) Soon after when we released TNU ( storm ) the man who recorded TNU died in the Tsunami.. it still gives me the chills to think about it. R.I.P ( the man with the cap )

keskiviikko 27. huhtikuuta 2011

Callisto part I


Callisto "Ordeal of the century" ( 2002, 2003 )

Next 10 or more designs will be dedicated to Callisto and the shirt history of Callisto :)

Ariel, our drummer made this design back in 2002 ( almost the same design as on our first ep ) though this was printed in early 2003.

Sold out long time ago. We only made t-shirts from this design ( no hoodies etc ) and only on black fabric.

Always when we made a new design i took one shirt to me and my wife as a memory, my wife wears some of the shirts, i have never understood it why some band member wore his own band shirts? :) i have never done it, maybe i`m ashamed of my own band?

This shirt brings me such a great memories..

tiistai 26. huhtikuuta 2011

Deep Insight


Deep insight "logo" ( 2003, 2004 )

Not sure when this hoodie came out? i would say 2004. Johannes ( guitarist ) gave me this shirt when he still lived in Turku.

We share the same history with DI, we were the 2 first bands to get signed to Fullsteam records back in 2002..

maanantai 25. huhtikuuta 2011



Whitecross "1992 tour shirt" ( 1992 )

I changed this shirt to selfmindead shirt ( my selfmindead shirt was too big and to be honest the lion on the front wasnt that cool in the late 90`s ) but so wasnt Whitecross shirt either!!!!

I think the year i got this was something like 1999 and on that year i surely didnt listen that much whitecross anymore! But you know what? Whitecross was one of my favourite bands when i was like between 13 - 15. I have all their cds ( except the first album on vinyl ) Did i wear that Whitecross shirt when i got it ? No. maybe once or twice in home or something.. but i got to have Whitecross shirt! yes, i am crazy nostalgic idiot :)

lauantai 23. huhtikuuta 2011



Zao "horror" ( 2004 )

This trip to Denmark in 2004 was one of my dream come true moment! Seeing Zao live!

Everyone knows that i was big Zao fan back in the days ( still am, but that band made their highlight albums between 1997 - 2001, imo.. ) parade of chaos and funeral of God albums had their moments, couple of good songs but, i dont know, they lost something along the way, maybe the drummer? Brett Detar ? Russ G ?

As i told earlier, Dan W was my biggest influence back in the days when we started Callisto.. So when i sow Zao in Copenhagen, i screamed my lungs out in that show, can you imagine? all the favourite songs and Dan.

The line-up on that gig was Dan, Russ, Scott ( from the classic liberate te ex inferis era ) i dont remember the names of the drummer and bass player..

perjantai 22. huhtikuuta 2011



Bloodgood "metal missionaries" ( 1985 or 1986 )

Obviously this shirt is really old and the name is taken from their first demo from 1985. I got this shirt maybe like 10 years ago from my friend ( nypy ? ) or ilkka... can`t remember..

Bloodgood wasnt my cup of tea back in the 90`s but still listened to it among the other many Christian metal bands.. I still have their two first albums on vinyl though :)

Sorry, i forgot to take a picture of the back.. now i dont have a camera with me, i will post it later.. it says "metal missionaries" on the back! :) of course.

This shirt is dedicated to MaziBee! :)

keskiviikko 20. huhtikuuta 2011

Place of Skulls


Place of skulls "rider" ( 2011 )

Bought the shirt when Place of skulls played here in Turku little while ago. I have another POS shirt also, ordered thru Victor himself, but it`s too small..

Gonna see Pentagram soon!

tiistai 19. huhtikuuta 2011



Confessor "logo" ( 2005 )

I know that i bought this shirt from sound pollution ( Stockholm ) but not sure was it 2004 or 2005 ? My wife worked 2 summers in Stockholm, 2004 and 2005. So it was one of those trips when i went to see my wife when i bought this hoodie.

I have to admit that this hoodie is really ugly! besides that, it`s little bit too small. But the band is great! I`m big fan of good quality doom ( Trouble, Cathedral, Pentagram, Place of skulls, The hidden hand etc etc ) and Confessor is one of them. They sound quite original comparing to many other doom bands out there.

maanantai 18. huhtikuuta 2011

Satura Lanx


Satura lanx "Batteries run dry, blood flows through" ( 2005, 2006 )

I think this shirt was printed at the same time as their first and only album? 2005 or 2006 ?

I think we played with them couple of times in the past.. some of the guys now play in Ills and Lighthouse project, i`m not sure.. ?

lauantai 16. huhtikuuta 2011

Living Sacrifice ?


Living Sacrifice "reborn" ( 1998 )

I remember this day like yesterday, DED also played in Stockholm where LS played in 1998. I remember i was 17 and huge LS fan and we drove from Kokkola to Turku and went by ferry to Stockholm with jonas,ariel, Sebu? maybe Ariels parents or his father maybe? and actually this was my first time when i met my future fellow kotikirkko friends :) So this trip was quite important to my future life also..

LS and DED played almost in the center of Stockholm ( kungsträdsgården ) they both did a nice job with their shows! LS and DED also played another show in the venue where we slept ( pingstkyrkan? ) So this was the show where i bought this shirt..

oh, and Ariel nose was bleeding like fountain in this trip! Bloody nose! :)

perjantai 15. huhtikuuta 2011



Thought that i was dead? no, not yet.

Hexvessel "voodooman" ( 2011 )

This came out through Svart Records little time ago, Mat who is the main composer and leader in this band is also involved in various other projects in a way or another ( Code, Virus, DHG for example )

Great band! Check it out from Svart records or Spotify..

perjantai 1. huhtikuuta 2011

Julith Krishun


Julith Krishun "lion" ( 2004 )

Maybe the worst Converge copycat ? i remember this night, it was in 2004, in Berlin, a club called wild at heart, it was our first European tour with Callisto.

This band was our warm-up band, i dont remember how i got this shirt, maybe they gave it to me ? i also remeber that this was the first time we sow the guys from The ocean ( collective ) they were really upset for us because they knew how bad venue this was for the band like us. it was basically really small rockabilly venue, and the owner of the venue complained all night because we played so loud.. :)

nice memories..

torstai 31. maaliskuuta 2011

Total devastation


Total Devastation "logo" ( 2008 )

I think i bought this one at the same time as their latest album, actually i heard only one song from that album and bought it based on that song.. really heavy bluesy song.

Total D and Callisto toured together in Finland back in 2003 or 2004 ? we had only our ep out and they had their first album out. tour was named something like "tourmap of century" or something.. :)

keskiviikko 30. maaliskuuta 2011

Benea Reach


Benea Reach "?" ( 2011 )

I changed this shirt to Callisto shirt ( i think marko or ilkka took Callisto shirt and gave me this )

Benea Reach played with us in Turku when we had 10 year anniversary show 3 - 4 weeks ago. Great night ( it might have been totally mayhem and chaos ) but eventually everything went well!

I have really old Selfmindead shirt also ( from the 90`s ) it`s here also.

sunnuntai 27. maaliskuuta 2011

Monster since 1969 FORSSA!


Monster "logo" ( 2004 )

Not necessary a "band" shirt, but this amp has been my tool for a long time now. I remember when we got these, it was 2004 when one friend recommended these amps to me and my other band mate. Since that they have been heard on Callisto live set and also in our 2 latest albums ( noir 2006, providence 2009 )

Nice amps! and LOUD! :)

lauantai 26. maaliskuuta 2011



Astra "woman" ( 2009, 2010 )

Cant remember which year, i think 2009.

Friend of mine bought this to me from roadburn festival..

nice band, not really a big fan, but decent prog they play.

perjantai 25. maaliskuuta 2011

Deep Insight


Deep Insight "ep" ( 2002 )

We have common history with Deep Insight ( Callisto and DI were the 2 first bands in Fullsteam records ) Johannes from Deep Insight owned 50% of fullsteam in the beginning with Juha ( who also played in our drummers previous band = MinusSF ) and i am a childhood friend of Johannes, again Nostalgia! here it comes again..

This one goes to DI and the HAPPO crew!

The design was made by Ariel ( Callisto Drummer ) maybe one of his first ones.. Ariel also made the logo of Fullsteam, if i remember right?

keskiviikko 23. maaliskuuta 2011

Nine part 2


Nine "Snake" ( 2002, 2003 )

Dont remember when i bought this one exactly.. i have 2 nine shirts, maybe i bought this one from their show in Turku where i met Kim ( kolt ) for the first time ? in 2002. the other nine shirt i bought from their show in Vaasa, where Callisto also played. also in 2002, or was it 2003 ?

Listening Kypck! nice heavy doom with Russian lyrics!

tiistai 22. maaliskuuta 2011

ZAO - Where blood and fire bring rest


Zao "Where blood and fire bring rest" ( 1998 )

This one is old! I remember when and how i bought this one like it was yesterday.

I was living alone for the first time ( after i moved away from my parents house in 1999 ) i think it was late 99 or really early 2000 when i bought this one from ebay, sent the money to states and waited for the package like 2 - 3 weeks, nice old school times! :) This shirt was already used, it was printed in 1998

it was 98 or 99 when i first heard Zao and fell in love with this band and especially to this album.

I wore this shirt when we played our first show with Callisto back in 2001. So, yes, a lot of nostalgic memories!

perjantai 18. maaliskuuta 2011

The Sword


The Sword "warriorwoman" ( 2007, 2008 )

ok, cannot say that i`m a huge fan of this band, but when the first album came out in 2006 i liked it, second wasnt that good anymore. Nowdays i hardly listen this band anymore.. maybe it`s little bit boring and they dont have their own sound maybe?

but when you are feeling like partying and want some heavy stonerdoom put The Sword to your player! ;)

this shirt is way too small for me..

torstai 17. maaliskuuta 2011

Manifesto jukebox


I`m back! 10 year anniversary show with Callisto went well ( even though it seem to be a nightmare first ) Thank God for Providence!

Now we are going to keep a long break from playing live, just making new songs for our forthcoming album. It feels good.

My "vacation" or shoud i say "prison" time is ending soon, it also feels good to go back to my old working place.

Too many good things this time? :) + i`m composing music to really interesting project at the moment, i let you know it when the time is ready if there is something to say about it. Now it looks really promising.

Manifesto Jukebox "logo" ( 2002 )

This one is old ( as you see it in the picture ) This shirt brings me a lot of nice memories in my time in Callisto. This was one of our first shows with Callisto ( 6th show actually ) we played with Manifesto Jukebox, Abnormi and Lo-cast style, the venue was legendary Factory in Helsinki.

I remember i had to play and sing off the stage because it was too small, punk-show it was indeed! and nice one. We had only our demo out and i think we even didnt have our first ep ready yet? the songs from the first ep were there, but the concrete cd wasnt.

I liked Manifesto jukebox a lot in that time, that`s why i bought the shirt, did you thought that i buy shirts from the bands that i dont like that much? ;)

i have maybe like 20 - 30 shirts still left ( including the whole back catalogue of Callisto shirts from 2002 - 2011 )

Take care and Godspeed!

torstai 24. helmikuuta 2011



Tuska "2005" ( 2005 )

Got this shirt when we played in tuska back in 2005. We played there also in 2009.

tiistai 22. helmikuuta 2011



Nine "skulls" ( 2002 )

This i remember like yesterday. We played with Nine in Vaasa, back in 2002.

20.09.02 Vaasa @ Club25 Nine (SWE), Endstand

I remember we listened Nine a lot back in the late 90`s early 2000. Especially "kissed by misantropy" ( 1998 ) and Lights out ( 2001 ) not that much of their latter albums.

maanantai 21. helmikuuta 2011



Selfmindead "logo" ( 1997 or 1998 )

I got this shirt in the 90`s from some friend if i remember right. i think this shirt came in the same time as Selfmindead first album ( 1997 )

This band was really important to me in the late 90`s and early 2000.

Two of these guys have a new band called Benea Reach ( formed in 2003 after they disbanded Selfmindead )

I witnessed Selfmindead first show in Finland, back in 1998 in Vaasa.

lauantai 19. helmikuuta 2011



Fatboy "boys" ( 2008 )

Nice band from Sweden. They play something like "roy orbison meets twang guitars and little bit Elvis mood" i dont know, go listen yourself.

I was wearing this shirt when we made a road trip to States in 2009. I was standing and waiting my hotdog meal ( from pinks, the legendary L.A place ) and these huge hiphop guys came behind me, i was so ashamed, basically i didnt have any reason, you know, this is only a band shirt! but you get the point..

torstai 17. helmikuuta 2011



Beecher ( 2005 )

This shirt brings such a nice memories from our mini-tour ( 5 shows in Europe ) back in june, 2005. We played couple of festivals and some normal club shows. With Beecher we played 2 shows. What a live band!

  • 19.06.05 Tilburg, Holland @ 013, Popcentrum Beecher (UK), Malkovich (NL)
  • 18.06.05 Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium @ Sortie23 festival The exploited (UK), 100 demons (USA), Eden maine (UK), Knuckledust (UK), US bombs (USA), Beecher (UK), Amen (USA) + more
  • 17.06.05 Ede, Holland @ Peacedog festival Oceansize (UK), Lampshade (DK), Solo (NL), Malkovich (NL), Opposition of one (GER), Jeroan drive (NOR), Go!RevolutionGo! (NL) + more
  • 16.06.05 Groningen, Holland @ Vera Silence the foe (NOR), Jeroan drive (NOR), Go! Revolution Go! (NL)
  • 15.06.05 Utrecht, Holland @ ACU Sengaia (NL)

tiistai 15. helmikuuta 2011



Pofony "bird" ( 2007 )

I bought this directly from Pofony singer or from the Pofony guitarplayer.. ( now the singer also in Callisto ) i think it was 2007, it might be 2006, maybe not..

maanantai 14. helmikuuta 2011

Summer Breeze


Summer Breeze "2010" ( 2010 )

Maybe not a "band" t-shirt in the traditional way? or perhaps the ULTIMATE band shirt ?

this is good eye test "what bands you can spot"

ok, this shirt is quite ugly.. i have to admit.

sunnuntai 13. helmikuuta 2011

Place of skulls


Place of Skulls "ornament" ( 2009 )

Ordered this from the Griffin himself, via myspace site. Great band! Coming to Finland next month..

This shirt is too wide and too short! :)

Opeth part II ( still life, still death )


Opeth "still life" ( 2003, 2004 )

Not sure when i bought this, but i think it was 2003. I think i ordered it from ? Nice shirt but it`s too worn out and small nowdays..

Ok, i talked about Opeth in my previous Opeth blog, everyone knows, i`m a big Opeth fan! :) That`s all of Opeth.

Have a nice sunday!